Talkback Damper Control System

Air Transfer Grilles

The “Talkback” system has been designed to provide up to 16 damper/air transfer grille locations with one centralised status monitoring location. The unique 2-way communication system between the Damper Control & Monitor Unit (DCM) + the damper actuators facilitates rapid assessment of serviceability of the installation + immediately identifies the location of a defective damper.

System specification

Application Smoke Control Shutter System. Provides Fire & Smoke resistance in conjunction with Intumescent Air Transfer Grille. Doors, panels, walls + ducts: effective for cold smoke
Test evidence BS 476 Part 31-31.1, BS 476 Part 20/22, BS EN 1364-5 (LVV40S & LVH44S), AS 1530-4 (LVH20S), EN 58001-1: 1992, EN 58002-1: 1992, IEC 1010-1: 1990, Amendment 1: 1992 & Amendment 2: 1995
Fail Safe Designed to close automatically in the event of a fire alarm being activated, a power failure or wiring damage
Auto reset Will reset automatically to the open position when the fire alarm is cancelled or power restored
Auto Cycling Once in every twenty-four hours each damper/shutter is closed + re-opened to prevent a build up of dust or debris between moving parts
SMOKE SHUTTER DIMENSIONS Max size determined by ATG choice and application. Various options covered under third party certification : Certifire CF564
Airflow Approx 30% free area
Finish DCM off-white
Compatibility The “Talkback” system is designed to interface with any fire alarm panel + subsequent to the initial installation, additional dampers/shutters can be incorporated up to a maximum of 16 per DCM
Use with LVN20S, LVH20S, LVH44S, LVHCTD
AUDIO WARNING An extra optional audio warning device (AMS) can be connected to the DCM wiring circuit. This device would be incorporated to draw attention to the DCM status display in the event of a fault occurring.
B.M.S MONITORING The Audio Monitor can be used to communicate with a BMS or fire panel. A no volt contact (normally open) is provided for within the AMS in order to provide a fault indicator to the BMS.
BATTERY BACK UP The DCM incorporates a connection for a battery back up option. An appropriate re-chargeable battery and enclosure is available from Lorient if required.